Trash Pick-up: Filing I & II
In observance of Labor Day, Monday, September 5th, Waste Connections will be servicing all residential customers on a one-day delay this week, so Filing I & II homes will be serviced on Friday, September 9th.
In observance of Labor Day, Monday, September 5th, Waste Connections will be servicing all residential customers on a one-day delay this week, so Filing I & II homes will be serviced on Friday, September 9th.
We received the following communication from Waste Connections about missed service on 4/25: The driver for this route went home sick and could not complete the route. Please let everyone know to leave their containers out or have them out by 7:00am. Thanks so much.
The HOA will be sending out a neighborhood newsletter hitting your mailbox (the real one not the electronic version) September 1st. There are some advertising opportunities that we would like to offer to Dutch Creek Village residents before moving onto advertisers outside of the neighborhood. All advertising information is below and attached to this email….
Attention: This only applies to those in Dutch Creek Village that live on W Caley Pl. Waste Connections has informed us that due to equipment issues they will not be able to complete service to W Caley Pl in Dutch Creek HOA today. They will complete service tomorrow. Waste Connections said “A call fire has…
Waste Connections has responded to some inquiries about missed trash service recently, stating that one of the problems has been an increase in the amount of trash being put out. Please read this letter and follow the requirements about the amount of trash they will pick up each week.
Beware of the WATER HEMLOCK! With the wet spring we had, water hemlock is growing and spreading quickly. All parts of it are toxic to people and dogs. It is really easy to spot; it is an airy, branching weed that grows to over 6 feet tall and has clusters of small white flowers at…
Waste Connections had some “driver availability issues” today, so recycling was not picked up. Please leave your recycling out and they plan to pick it up tomorrow. This only applies to homes in Filing I or Filing II.