Pool Opening Saturday, May 28
The DCV pool will open this Saturday (May 28th) at 6am. We are currently working to fix some problems with the boiler, so the water may still be very cold on opening day.
The DCV pool will open this Saturday (May 28th) at 6am. We are currently working to fix some problems with the boiler, so the water may still be very cold on opening day.
The next DCV HOA Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5 at 7pm. Location: 6565 W. Hoover Pl. Please send an email to info@dutchcreekhoa.com if you would like to attend. Click here to view the meeting agenda.
There was a recent break-in to a vehicle parked along the street in Dutch Creek Village. Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior. Also, remember to lock your car doors and do not leave valuables inside.
The boiler at the pool is still down, so the water is cold. We will let everyone know when we are able to get the repair company here to fix it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The gate latch on the East Gate to the tennis court is not working, so that gate has been padlocked shut until we are able to get it fixed. The gate on the West side still works, so everyone can enter through that gate. The West Gate does not close by itself, which is also…
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 8:30 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
The next DCV HOA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 18 at 7pm. Location: LeNoble’s House. Please send an email to info@dutchcreekhoa.com if you would like to attend. Click here to view the meeting agenda.