October Board Meeting
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
This notice is a courtesy reminder that annual HOA payments for the Dutch Creek Village Master Association are due in a few days on 4/1. If you have an outstanding balance and we have your email on file in PayHOA, you should have received a separate note that included the balance amount. Payment details, including…
The next DCV HOA Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14th at 7pm. Location: 6565 W Hoover Pl. Please send an email to info@dutchcreekhoa.com if you would like to attend. Click here to view the meeting agenda.
About 7:30 am on July 4th a small SUV crashed through the fence and into the extension to the pool house in which tools and the tractor are stored. The insurance company has been contacted and we are working with them now to get the necessary repairs made. No damage was done to the boiler…
The DCV Board of Directors will meet via ZOOM at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 24. If you would like to attend let us know and we’ll send you an invitation.
The DCV Board of Directors has been aware of the deteriorating condition of the retaining wall east of the tennis court and started the process of getting bids for it’s repair/replacement in August. On Sept 7, 2020, the section of the retaining wall that was in the worst condition collapsed. The company we had chosen…
Please remember that Master’s Association payments are due on 4/1. Any payments not *received* by this date will be considered delinquent. Please see https://www.dutchcreekhoa.com/about-dcv/annual-dues/ for dues details including invoice amounts, payment options, and other FAQ. If you have any questions please contact volunteer HOA Treasurer Kendra Conrad at kendra@dutchcreekhoa.com.