
Important Letter to all Residents of DCV Filings I and II

Greetings Dutch Creek Village Homeowners,

The information below applies to Dutch Creek Village (DCV) homeowners that live in Filings I and II only. Residents of Filing III are members of their own HOA and should follow those rules.

As all of you are aware, we recently experienced some severe weather in the area. Many of us have incurred damage to our properties.

To continue to maintain a high standard, we want to be certain that everyone is familiar with the necessary steps that need to be taken when a change, (Roof, Fence, Paint, Tree Removal, etc.), is being made to your property. All submissions MUST go through the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Requests will be reviewed by the ACC and upon approval, the requested change may be made. Exact or similar replacement requests are usually not denied.

ACC Request Form (This is for Filing I and II only. Filing III needs approval from management company):

Please review the architectural information on the website to familiarize yourself with the governing documents. Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Directors. Remember, when in doubt, ask first!

Architectural Information:

Your effort to follow this process is appreciated in advance.

Your DCV Architectural Control Committee and Board of Directors

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