February Board Meeting
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Tuesday, February 22 at 7:30 pm. It will be a Zoom meeting, so if you’d like to join us, let us know and we’ll send you the link.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Tuesday, February 22 at 7:30 pm. It will be a Zoom meeting, so if you’d like to join us, let us know and we’ll send you the link.
Please remember that Master’s Association payments are due on 4/1. Any payments not *received* by this date will be considered delinquent. Please see https://www.dutchcreekhoa.com/about-dcv/annual-dues/ for dues details including invoice amounts, payment options, and other FAQ. If you have any questions please contact volunteer HOA Treasurer Kendra Conrad at kendra@dutchcreekhoa.com.
Hey Neighbors, Greetings from fellow neighbor, Benny, on W. Weaver Ave. Are you looking for a great way to get rid of those unused items before the fall sets in? You’re not alone. Some folks around the hood are planning on an end of Summer Garage Sale! Saturday, September 14th, neighbors are invited to host…
Important: If any service provider concerns arise over the next several months please contact the HOA directly, and we will expedite resolution with our account manager. email us at: info@dutchcreekhoa.com General information: Containers should be placed curbside no later than 7 am on our scheduled service days: Monday. Trash and Recycling will be picked up…
HB22-1137 was signed into law on June 3, 2022 and was effective on August 10, 2022. Parts of the new law require associations, such as Dutch Creek Village HOA, to update their collection, enforcement and conduct policies. To conform to the new law, Dutch Creek Village HOA updated the policies, which were approved by the…
We are currently seeking a ‘member at large’ addition for the Dutch Creek Village HOA Master Association Board. If you are interested in learning more about the board, or would like to join us in our neighborhood endeavors, please send an email to info@dutchcreekhoa.com. We would love to meet with you at our next board…
DCV residents can bring your branches up to the pool parking lot on Thursday or Friday this week to shred them. This is a volunteer effort being spearheaded by Jim Bruzas and it’s impossible for him to do it all on his own, so please plan to lend a hand with any of the branches…