Car Break-In
There was a recent break-in to a vehicle parked along the street in Dutch Creek Village. Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior. Also, remember to lock your car doors and do not leave valuables inside.
There was a recent break-in to a vehicle parked along the street in Dutch Creek Village. Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior. Also, remember to lock your car doors and do not leave valuables inside.
We will not have a DCV board of directors meeting in December. The next DCV board of directors meeting will be held on Thursday, January 18 at 8:30 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
Please note that we will be cancelling the March 30th HOA meeting in accordance with the stay-at-home guidelines currently in place in Colorado. Additionally, it is likely that we will need to postpone the April 25th Annual Meeting. Please stay tuned for more information on that.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Tuesday, September 28 at 7:15 pm. It will be a Zoom meeting, so if you’d like to join us, let us know and we’ll send you the link.
This notice is a courtesy reminder that annual HOA payments for the Dutch Creek Village Master Association are due in a few days on 4/1. If you have an outstanding balance and we have your email on file in PayHOA, you should have received a separate note that included the balance amount. Payment details, including…
SUMMARY of Key Actions Taken:1) Still need a volunteer to liaison with Trash Haul company. PLEASE contact Kendra Conrad via the website information email for more information. Meanwhile, John Wilber will help Kendra to figure out where we stand now with this issue and probably price increases. 2) The 2022-23 budget process will begin in…
The 2022 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is set to take place Thursday, April 21st from 7:30pm-9:30pm via Zoom. We need everyone to RSVP if you plan to attend, or submit a Proxy if you are unable to attend. A tentative agenda will be available soon. Zoom meeting info will only be sent out to those who…