July Board Meeting
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, July 20 at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, July 20 at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
Greetings Dutch Creek Village Homeowners, The information below applies to Dutch Creek Village (DCV) homeowners that live in Filings I and II only. Residents of Filing III are members of their own HOA and should follow those rules. As all of you are aware, we recently experienced some severe weather in the area. Many of…
Hello Neighbors,Sadly, we are going to have to cancel the Kona & Cocktails event for tomorrow (6/30). We had a minimum number needed to have the Kona Ice truck and we didn’t get enough participation in the neighborhood to have them come. We are hoping to try and do another gathering later in the summer…
The pool boiler is working again and the main pool is around 80 degrees water temperature. Please let us know if you notice any issues with the temperature of the main pool in the future. REMINDER: The kids/wading pool should NOT be used for safety reasons. We are investigating options to swiftly and cost effectively…
The boiler at the pool is still down, so the water is cold. We are waiting on a part for the boiler and hope to have the big pool heated soon. The small kids’ pool is not safe and should not be used, as the winter months have caused some cracking and chipping. We are…
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, June 15 at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
Reminder that trash pick-up is on a one-day delay this week in observance of Memorial Day. This announcement is only for homes in Filing I and II. Please plan to have trash pick-up on Friday, June 2.
The boiler at the pool is still down, so the water is cold. We will let everyone know when we are able to get the repair company here to fix it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The DCV pool is now open for the summer. Please review the rules below and make sure that any kids (14 & over) are also informed of the rules if they plan to use the pool without adult supervision. As a reminder, only DCV Master Association members, and guests when accompanied by the homeowner, may…
Waste Connections had some “driver availability issues” today, so recycling was not picked up. Please leave your recycling out and they plan to pick it up tomorrow. This only applies to homes in Filing I or Filing II.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, May 18 at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
The 2023 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is THIS THURSDAY (4/20 at 8pm via Zoom). Even if you don’t plan to attend, Please submit a Proxy. This is very important for us to reach a quorum for the meeting and the online form is very easy to submit. If you would like to attend, please see the…
Reminder! We are less than one week away from the DCV Annual Meeting. Even if you don’t plan to attend, please submit a Proxy This is very important for us to reach a quorum for the meeting and the online form is very easy to submit. If you would like to attend, please see the…
The 2023 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is set to take place Thursday, April 20th from 8:00pm-10:00pm via Zoom. Zoom meeting info will only be sent out to those who RSVP to attend. We need everyone to RSVP if you plan to attend, or submit a Proxy if you are unable to attend. The Proxies are important…
Jefferson County open space appears to be beginning the concrete pathway repair and realignment project for the trail north of the pool and court area for Dutch Creek Village. We do not know how long the project will take to complete. The trails will be closed for the duration of the project. We will keep…
Please remember that Master’s Association payments are due on 4/1. Any payments not *received* by this date will be considered delinquent. Please see https://www.dutchcreekhoa.com/about-dcv/annual-dues/ for dues details including invoice amounts, payment options, and other FAQ. If you have any questions please contact volunteer HOA Treasurer Kendra Conrad at kendra@dutchcreekhoa.com.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 8:00 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.
Please keep an eye out for this year’s annual mailing and dues invoicing in the mail. If you do not receive by 3/15 please contact info@dutchcreekhoa.com – all homeowners are still responsible for payment on time! All homeowners with an email on file should also receive an invoice from PayHOA, and the letter is available…
Please be aware that a company is planning to install fiber to provide high-speed internet service in the future. The notes from a meeting with that company are available here.
There will be a DCV board of directors meeting on Thursday, February 9 at 7:30 pm. Please contact us if you would like to attend.