August Board Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Dutch Creek Village board of directors Tuesday, August 17 at 7:15 pm. If you would like to join us, let us know and we’ll send you the Zoom link.
There will be a meeting of the Dutch Creek Village board of directors Tuesday, August 17 at 7:15 pm. If you would like to join us, let us know and we’ll send you the Zoom link.
The next DCV HOA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25 at 7pm. Location: 6421 W. Weaver Dr. Please send an email to if you would like to attend. Click here to view the meeting agenda.
Beware of the WATER HEMLOCK! With the wet spring we had, water hemlock is growing and spreading quickly. All parts of it are toxic to people and dogs. It is really easy to spot; it is an airy, branching weed that grows to over 6 feet tall and has clusters of small white flowers at…
With a typical Colorado winter we were not able to make much progress on the recreational facilities improvement. Now that we are into the much anticipated Spring Time in the Rockies we are again at work on the improvements albeit somewhat sporadic. The multi-play court has been repaired and the chain link fence re-installed. We…
The 2024 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is set to take place Thursday, April 18th at 7:30pm on Zoom. The Zoom meeting info will only be sent out to those who RSVP to attend. Whether you can attend or not, we need everyone to submit a form (RSVP or Proxy). The Proxies are important for us to…
Many areas within DCV are mowed by residents who volunteer their time. We are in need of one more person currently, as there is an area in Filing II (Caley Pl) that we do not have covered. The HOA has a tractor to use and training on how to operate it is provided. Please contact…
Due to summer travel plans of the DCV board members it has been difficult to find a date in July to hold a board meeting in which a quorum would be present. So, we are not planning to hold a meeting this month. We will let you know when an August meeting is scheduled.