Attention: Wading/Kiddie Pool Repairs Beginning Soon

The DCV Master HOA board has contracted to have both the wading pool and the large pool plastered. This is necessary due to the age of the existing pool surfaces. Repairing the large pool will not be done until the Spring of 2024 so that the main pool can remain open this summer. Repairs for the wading pool will hopefully begin in the next few days with a tentative start date set for early the week of August 1st.

We have been told that the work on the wading pool will not require restricted access to the general pool area. However, obviously workers will be in the area for a few days. Please respect any instructions regarding remaining out of the wading pool until the surface is ready for use.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as this work progresses! This will hopefully allow some use of the wading pool this summer and allow for continued access to both pools for many future years.

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