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FINAL REMINDER: 2023 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting
The 2023 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is THIS THURSDAY (4/20 at 8pm via Zoom). Even if you don’t plan to attend, Please submit a Proxy. This is very important for us to reach a quorum for the meeting and the online form is very easy to submit. If you would like to attend, please see the…
Vehicle Break-In
Attention DCV Residents: A vehicle was broken into last night (March 3rd) in DCV Filing III. Please remember to keep your cars locked and report any suspicious behavior to the authorities. We are sending this message since we were notified of the break-in from the resident and we hope we can all work together to…
2022 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting
The 2022 Annual Homeowners’ Meeting is set to take place Thursday, April 21st from 7:30pm-9:30pm via Zoom. We need everyone to RSVP if you plan to attend, or submit a Proxy if you are unable to attend. A tentative agenda will be available soon. Zoom meeting info will only be sent out to those who…
October Board Meeting
The next Dutch Creek HOA Board Meeting will be held October 17 at 7:30pm on Zoom. Please contact us if you are interested in attending so we can send you the Zoom link.
March Board Meeting
The DCV Board of Directors will meet via ZOOM at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 24. If you would like to attend let us know and we’ll send you an invitation.
Don’t Leave Valuables in Cars
A resident recently witnessed two individuals on bicycles who appeared to be taking pictures of the inside of cars parked along the street within Dutch Creek Village. Please do not leave any valuables in cars and make sure your doors are locked. Please report any suspicious behavior to the proper authorities. Let’s all work together…