Trash Pick-up: Filing I & II
Reminder that trash pick-up is on a one-day delay this week in observance of Memorial Day. This announcement is only for homes in Filing I and II. Please plan to have trash pick-up on Friday, June 2.
Reminder that trash pick-up is on a one-day delay this week in observance of Memorial Day. This announcement is only for homes in Filing I and II. Please plan to have trash pick-up on Friday, June 2.
Greetings Dutch Creek Village Homeowners, The information below applies to Dutch Creek Village (DCV) homeowners that live in Filings I and II only. Residents of Filing III are members of their own HOA and should follow those rules. As all of you are aware, we recently experienced some severe weather in the area. Many of…
The HOA will be sending out a neighborhood newsletter hitting your mailbox (the real one not the electronic version) September 1st. There are some advertising opportunities that we would like to offer to Dutch Creek Village residents before moving onto advertisers outside of the neighborhood. All advertising information is below and attached to this email….
We received an email from Waste Connections this morning informing us that it is possible that trash service will be delayed a day on December 29, 2022. Waste Connections asks for all residents to leave their containers out until they are serviced.
We will let everyone know if we receive any specific information from Waste Connections about the missed trash pickup today. Generally, they tell us that they will be back tomorrow for any that were missed today, so hopefully they will get the missed homes on Saturday, July 6.
Beware of the WATER HEMLOCK! With the wet spring we had, water hemlock is growing and spreading quickly. All parts of it are toxic to people and dogs. It is really easy to spot; it is an airy, branching weed that grows to over 6 feet tall and has clusters of small white flowers at…
Jefferson County provided this information regarding broadband company access to right-of-way. The HOA is providing access to this information for homeowners in case it is useful.