Mar 24 Board Meeting Summary

Highlights of Meeting (actual meeting minutes will be posted when they are approved)

*Pool Opening       Directors of the Board will stay apprised of the CO Health Dept Guidelines for Community Pools/Activities.  The probability of seeing the Risk Assessment levels changing to less restrictive levels is high.  Therefore, we are planning on opening for Memorial Day weekend, unless there is a return to more restrictions.  It is possible that each resident will be asked to sign a waiver in order to have the pool key code released, be asked to sanitize the bathrooms after use, and bring own chairs. 

*Annual Meeting        April 24th, 1-3 PM, via Zoom invitation.  PLEASE respond if asked to do so when you receive the email invitation.   Currently, two Board of Director positions are ending; but they have both agreed to stay on UNLESS someone else wants to serve.  Please contact Raina Powell if you’d like to stand for election.

* Proposed Budget for 2021 – 2022 Year was approved and will be shown at the Annual Meeting.

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