Project Update – Nov 30, 2011

The west court asphalt surface has been removed. The “trench”  between the middle and east courts has been excavated and  back-filled with base material. The base material will be  compacted and then the fence post will be re-set. The trench will be filled with hot asphalt, weather permitting.

The concrete drain pan has been installed at the base of the retaining wall. This drain pan will drain water from the surface of the two courts and any water seeping from behind the  wall to the new east grass area.

The west pool steps have been removed and some initial grading of the west sidewalk route has been completed. Weather permitting, building the earthen berm for the sidewalk will  start in the next few days. This will involve moving some dirt  from the east court area and hauling in several truck loads of  fill dirt as required to limit the sidewalk to a 7% grade.

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